Often read articles

These are the most often read articles:

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2 Responses to “Often read articles”

  1. European, non-German says:


    Thank you for a lot of very interesting content.

    Like many, I’ve found TransferWise and N26, and as a traveler in Europe, I find them very useful.

    I’d like to add a savings account though, to build a small “emergency fund”. Now, I could use N26 spaces for this, but it would be good to have an account with at least some interest – to offset inflation – while still being able to transfer/access the funds relatively quickly if needed.

    I suspect this is hardly unique to me. Could it be interesting with an article focusing on a practical multilingual (or at least English) savings account, with easy transfer to/from N26 and/or TransferWise borderless?

    • Gregor says:

      Thank you for this suggestion! In fact, a few years ago I had wished for readers from exactly this direction!

      But there are two “truths”. More than 99 percent of our readers are interested in credit, credit card, checking account and bank transfer. Investments in any form from stocks to fixed rates make up less than 1 percent. The other truth is: No German bank wants your money! For years, European banks have been able to procure zero-interest money from the central bank, and that’s what they do. They do not have to collect deposits from customers and to do all this with the additional work of providing customer service. That’s why even savings accounts in German language are zero or close to zero. There are a few banks from abroad that get money in Germany and pay interest. However, these do not provide English language online banking. Their market research has told them that the classic German savings investor is over 50 years old and prefers the German language.

      Or in short: I do not know of any good English savings account in Germany. Presumably, there is none.

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