New brand name:

I am now Richard Banks!

Richard Banks

Raider becomes Twix … nothing else changes – people among us, who have watched spots in the 90s know that. Why has this chocolate bar changed its name? Legal dispute because of brand protection? No!

The background was the desire of a global unification of the brand name and that there were no further wrong spellings and misunderstandings.

The same applies to me!

After 15 years of online presence, I have decided to get myself a brand name (artist name, pseudonym).

The background is exactly the same: better comprehension and branding beyond the border of Germany (I am frequently on journeys abroad, as my fans know).

Richard Banks USA

Already since many years I have played with this thought time and again. Over and over I have discarded it. Many know me already as the smart bank customer.

Whew, and I have to change all that everywhere so that there won’t be confusions? How will people even react to it?

Truth is that only one thing has kept me from taking this step:


No fear that accompanies you all day long, but simply the fear of the challenge. It is so nice and comfortable, just like it is right now.

People in our achiever-training are feeling just the same. They earn well and they invest a big part of it smartly and successfully.

However, some really are (permanently) stuck in a job and these are often the bonds that impede taking the big jump to the next level or the next one after it!

Oh dear, if I expect from our participants that they should tear down hurdles, then I have to do it too.

This became really obvious to me on my last journey to our investment area Florida. I have met new people every single day: bankers, estate agents, construction companies and other service providers. I presented myself several times a day with my name and almost no one understood it at first or could not remember how to write it correctly.

That’s not good for the business!

Why are the following companies exceptionally successful:

Coca Cola, Google, Samsung, McDonalds … they have a name that sounds compelling! They have a brand name!

Does this also apply to people?

Of course.

Just think of Udo Jürgens (pop singer), Jennifer Aniston (US-actress), Michael Douglas (US-actor), Willy Brandt (even as a Federal Chancellor) up to Johannes Gutenberg (inventor of the modern book printing).

There is a list at Wikipedia with thousands of such pseudonyms, wherein only the truly famous are entered!

Why do people get a fitting name for themselves?

Yes, correct. So that they can promote “their” message better at the market.

This applies to me too.

What I have achieved until now, is only the beginning.

Freed from the “bonds” of a rather non-fitting name, I will be able to do things even more comprehensively for you, my dear fans and companions.

And I am asking you for your support.

Support in two points:

  • Acceptance of my decision of promoting our smart bank customer message even clearer than before with my new name
  • Help with establishing and spreading the new name out into the world

A heartly thanks,
Your new Richard Banks
R Banks

PS: I prefer the English pronounciation. That sounds and feels really good for my new life task!

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Richard helps people through this special portal to find bank products in Germany and abroad and shows how to use them optimally. You can register as a “fan” and, by doing so, watch even more instructions and videos.

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