Loan at “Kurzarbeit” short-time work?
Since 2017 – and especially notable during autumn 2019 and in the early 2020 – we showed our fans how to get set up a free credit line as a provision.
Costs (interest) would only apply at its use. Up to this point of time, you would have created a provision for an emergency in a meaningful and free way.
However, perhaps you are completely new to our portal and start to value our optimizing strategies of personal bank relationships today.
You can make your loan application here:

Partially, loans are paid within the same week of application. Everything starts with the ► online application ✅
Being a subscriber, you might have noticed that we have informed you about the special provider Maxda for the first time.
We are observing Maxda since quite some time and during the current situation, it seems to be the best option, because the ING takes a look at the coded transfers of the last three salary slips or electronically the salary payments when granting the credit line and then chooses the lowest for the expenditure account. This is not so good when you are paid a Kurzarbeit (short-time work) salary.
We have even received the information from Smava that the last salary slip (which is low due to the short-time work) is relevant.
Lean special banks in the program!
Maxda has banks in its program that at least take the average value of the three salary slips. Moreover, Maxda also cooperates with a bank from Liechtenstein, which grants Schufa-free loans. This is interesting for everyone, who still has a debt in the Schufa, but disposes of a good and regular income – also from short-time work (Kurzarbeit).
Therefore, the probability is very high that you have a perfect provider for a loan with Maxda.
The initial “funnel” (conditions) is quite big:
- loan amounts between Euros 1,500 and 250,000
- term between 12 and 36 months
- also a Schufa-free option through a foreign bank possible
- short online processing time
- personal consultation after setting up the data.
The procedure up to the payment of the loan
You fill the online application at Maxda.
You can also upload your proof of salary electronically.
Maxda generates a dataset according to your information and due to the fact that Maxda knows about the loan approval criteria of its banks, quite some banks won´t be shown to you.
It is good that you did not directly make a loan application on the website of your chosen bank. You might have gotten a rejection, but no alternative solution.
From the banks that would finance your dataset, you will be suggested the one with the most favourable interest rate.
However, you can also apply for a loan at a more expensive bank, if other conditions, such as a generous possibility of special repayments are important to you.
You talk about the details after the data entry with your personal loan consultant. It does not make sense to do it beforehand, because they need the dataset as a base.
As soon as the bank has been chosen and you have received a preliminary okay due to your dataset, the rest is mainly only a formality.
At some banks, the loan application is processed electronically until the end – others need a hand-written signature of the loan contract. The legitimation is a matter of course. With a little luck, you will have the money in your account only a few days later.

Every loan payment starts with the ► application ✅
If you have questions about an individual loan application, it is best to directly contact the loan consultant of Maxda – after the data entry. General questions are welcome using the comments feature …
Please note before making the loan application at a Kurzarbeit (short-time work): place of residence and income must be from Germany in order to get a loan payment.
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