Legitimating at the ING Germany
This page should help you to complete your account opening at the ING (formerly ING-DiBa in Germany), so that you can benefit from the advantages of the bank as soon as possible!
You have two possibilities to implement the statutory legitimating:

You get to this selection, when you are through the online application of the account opening. If you do not have your ID-document at hand, it does not matter. You can open this page again and again through the link, which is sent to you automatically by e-mail as soon as you have filled the online application.
Variant 1: VideoIdent-procedure
Requirements to use this procedure are as follows:
- PC, notebook, tablet or Smartphone with camera and loudspeaker. A microphone is advantageous for the conversation with the legitimating operator – it is also possible without, as I have experienced myself!
- mobile phone through which you can receive a SMS
- of course, you need a good Internet connection for the video transmission, as well as your ID-card or passport.
VideoIdent-procedure step-by-step
As you will now see in the background of the video clips, the Deutsche Post assumes the legitimating for the account opening at the ING bank.
Many German banks assign the Post with the legitimating task. This company has a lot of experience in this area and offers an outstanding, safe and fast service to new customers and banks.
As the first step, you state your mobile phone number:

The telephone number is only needed once for receiving a SMS at the end of the legitimating procedure. It does not have to be your own mobile phone number.
Computer or Smartphone / tablet?
If you want to do the legitimating using the computer (PC, notebook), then click on “Weiter zu Identifizierung” (continue with the identification).
If you want to use your Smartphone or tablet, you must download the PostIdent-app.

No matter what you decide for, the following steps are the same.
System-check and choice of language
Before the video conversation can start, a system-check is automatically implemented (see tick on the left side). Moreover, you have the possibility of choosing your preferred language. This is a comfortable service, if German is not your first language!

The languages German and English are at your disposal for the legitimating.
Then you click on “Verbinden” (connect).
The video conversation
After the salutation, you are asked to hold your ID-document in front of the camera and tilt it to different directions, so that one can recognize the authenticity features.
Then your personal data and the ID-data are copied.
The front and backside of the ID-document are photographed. Then a “passport photo” of you is taken. If you do not look well in the photo – perhaps you will see that the tongue is visible in the following picture – the photo can be taken again. It is not about looking nice. The photo is only for the documentation of your legitimating.
Now you can see the copied data and are asked to check, whether these were taken correctly.
If all information is correct, you receive a TAN by SMS. You enter it into the online field and click on “Bestätigen” (confirm).
If you can see this screen and perhaps are in a similarly happy mood as on this photo, then you are finished.
Variant 2: PostIdent-procedure
Requirments to use this procedure are as follows:
- PostIdent-coupon (you can print it or save it on your Smartphone)
- ID-card or passport
- branch office of the Deutsche Post within the opening hours
Procedure of the PostIdent
You can see how the legitimating through the PostIdent works in this video clip (English):
Which procedure is the best?
Fastest is the legitimating – and therefore also the completion of the account opening – through video camera, because you can do it every day from 8 am to 10 pm – except for federal holidays!
Moreover, you can do the legitimating from every place on earth, provided an accordingly well Internet connection. But please note that the ING bank (Germany) only opens accounts for people with an address and place of residence in Germany.
The welcoming documents are only shipped within Germany. At a later move to the abroad, of course, you can still remain a customer. If the Giro or Visa Card expires, the replacement card is sent free of charge to the abroad. If this is a subject for you, then this article can be useful for you.
More and more people take advantage of the VideoIdent-procedure, as long as the technics are at hand. The PostIdent-procedure is always available too. In both cases, the ING bank bears the costs for the legitimating.
How does it go on?
The Deutsche Post forwards the data of the legitimating on the electronical way to the ING bank. By doing so, your new account is opened at last.
However, the ING-DiBa (state of February 2017) needs your signature on the account order for the account opening. This will be sent to you parallel by mail. You do not need a post stamp for returning the mail, because the bank has added a prepaid envelope.
Questions on the legitimating / account opening?
Please use the comments box at the end of the article.
Further instructions for you:
- Open a current account at the ING
- Open the ING bank account – Instructions
- Overdraft facility immediately at account opening – even without incoming salary transfer!
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