Free German credit card: How you can receive this credit card in your mailbox in only 2 days!
You know that probably: Almost everything is ready for the holidays or for the journey … and then you are asked or get the tip from a friend, if you already have a free credit card?
Red Alert: Where can I get such a credit card in a hurry?
Well known and highly recommended is the DKB Visa credit card. However, until it arrives together with all the access data and PINs, about 3 weeks will pass. Sh**, that is not fast enough.
Solution for Last-Minute-Travellers: (audio in german)
As promised in the video ⇒ invite code (if still necessary)
5 steps: Until you hold the credit card in your hands and ready for use
1. Apply immediately online
The application for the Number26 MasterCard is super easy. Using this link, you go directly to the page of the provider,, and fill out the online form.
As long as the customer rush is still so high that N26 is working with the queue, you can avoid it with our invite code. Find further information here: Invite code for our fans.
2. Retrieve and confirm e-mail ➜ card production starts
After entering the data, you will receive an e-mail. Please confirm this by clicking on the link in the e-mail.
At this very moment, the production of your card will start!
Your free credit card will be sent with the next mail delivery.
You did not even complete the identity verification, nor did you make a first deposit.
This is the “secret” reason why this free credit card arrives in your mailbox only after an average of 2 days.
In my case, it was on Tuesday. I have applied for the credit card on Sunday!
In order to make the card ready for its immediate use once you hold in your hands, we continue with our steps …
3. Legitimating via video chat
It is legally mandatory that each bank has to unequivocally determine the identity of its customers at the account opening. Number26 solves this issue through the VideoIdent-procedure.
You can start the video chat directly from your Smartphone – so it is also possible when being on the road.
The legitimating staff member will ask you to hold you ID-card or passport – also ID documents from abroad are accepted – into the camera and tilt it, in order to verify the security features.
Likewise, a photo of your face will be taken. Please do not smile. 😉
ID verification through the video chat within a few minutes
If it is more comfortable for you, you can complete this ID-check also using the webcam of a computer, or if not available, you can even resort to the conventional PostIdent-procedure.
4. Transfer money
Perhaps you have noticed that we did not mention anything about creditworthiness checks and proof of income. This is not necessary, as the free credit card of Number26 is a prepaid credit card.
This has many advantages, such as the immediate account opening and immediate card production. Further advantages: see below!
However, it also has disadvantages: One cannot overdraw the card and therefore, it is often not accepted for deposits abroad. Those are the first experiences, that you can read from travellers abroad (comments).
Nevertheless, you can pay cashless with the credit card or withdraw cash from ATMs free of charge. These are probably the most important features of a free credit card.
In order to use a prepaid credit card, one must first transfer money to the credit card account.
This is super easy at Number26, as the credit card account is a current account at a German bank and it therefore has IBAN and BIC. You will be notified of this data at the account opening.
Within the SEPA-area, a transfer takes a maximum of one banking day.
If you make the transfer right away, the money will be on the credit card even before you receive it in the mailbox.
… there is only one step missing!
5. Activation of the card
You will only receive one letter from Number26. This includes a paperboard in the format of 1/3 of an A4 page. On the front, you will find your MasterCard.

You do not get more mail, as you do not need it!
On the back, you can find the instructions on how to activate the credit card. This is easily done through the brilliant Smartphone-app of Number26.
Congratulations: You are done!
You have managed, in only 2 days:
- To apply for the free credit card,
- To confirm the e-mail address,
- To complete the ID-check via the video chat,
- To transfer money of which you want to dispose (on your journey),
- To activate the credit card.
Here you can start the process: (application for the credit card)
Why is Number26 the right free credit card for you?!
Since more than 10 years, I “play” in the area of bank accounts and bank cards and have made personal experiences – even tests – with many providers and know of even more conditions to compare.
Number26 is unique:
- Absolutely free prepaid credit card with the following very important features:
- free cash withdrawals (valid worldwide)
- free payments in foreign currencies (no foreign transaction fee)
- free cash deposits
(there are many providers of prepaid cards that charge a fee even for that!)
- Linking with the Smartphone and a really good banking app
- Guaranteed account opening, as there is:
- no creditworthiness check
- no proof of income required
- no Schufa query and no Schufa entry
- Account and credit card are ready for use within 2 days!
Account application and banking app are available in German and English language.
Currently, one needs a (mailing) address in Germany or in Austria for the application. It is only required for the credit card shipping. It is likely that other countries (e.g. Switzerland, UK, Poland) will be added.
Do you agree with me that it is worth to apply for this free credit card?
Frequently read articles about Number26:
- Foreign use of Number26
- Different implementation options for account and credit card of N26
- 12 wichtige Fakten über Number26
- 12 important facts about Number26
For what do you want to use this credit card?
Tell us for what you want to use or have already used the N26 MasterCard. The comments box is activated for you. Your experiences and tips, as well as questions of course, are welcome!
hello dear i want to open an international bank account. How you can help me
This is one of the best information portals for German bank accounts and cards. The instructions are created in a way that they can be implemented by anyone. Its usage is free of charge.
However, we do not offer a paid personal consultation or mediation.
Good morning,
I have got my invite-code in ebay kleine anzeige, now I am struggling at the step “verify your identity”:
I am french and I am now in France.
I have an adress in Germany.
I only have my french ID card (no passport, reisepass…)
They told me they need an information which is not on my ID, and I that I must call their client service. I have called several times but they don’t answer.
Do you think you can help me?
I know that already many people have applied for the free MasterCard from abroad stating an address in Germany. This worked wonderfully
also with foreign ID-documents.
Best is using the passport, because the address is not stated there anyway and the support staff member is used to get it orally.
As a web portal, we cannot intervene in an ongoing account opening. In Germany, we have fortunately bank client confidentiality Please contact the customer service again.
I had a phonecall with the client service and they said I need a personal ausweiss.
I don’t no what I’m gonna do.
But thank you so mich for yoir website I find really usefull
(even if the amount of informations can be submerting sometimes).
Dear Gregor,
Thank you for you information, very helpful.
However I confirm the information given by Mickaël: at the videochat for identification purpose, I was requested to show a french passport, the french national identity card is not accepted by videochat. I was requested to either apply for a french passport and go back to the videochat, or to use the PostIdent procedure (go to a post office for identification process using my french national identity card (not sure that a german post office would accept this kind of ID card, though)).
It is interesting to hear about these experiences. Maybe it is the individual staff member or changing instructions. When a friend of mine made the legitimating through video chat using her Ukrainian passport, everything worked really well.
Is there someone, who could legitimate through the video chat using a non-German or non-Austrian passport or ID-card at Number26?
I am looking forward to further feedback and especially to solutions that help others 🙂 Thank you!
Dear Gregor,
Please note that the issue is specifically related to “national identity cards”, not “passports”. Foreign passports (whatever Ukrainian, French …) are accepted at the videochat.
For clarification, I asked the question to NUMBER26 Customer Service; here is the answer:
“For the verification via IDnow video call you will need a French passport, French identity cards are unfortunately not suitable for the video call verification.
If you don’t have a passport, you could also validate your identiy via PostIdent. An email can be requested during the sign up that includes all information about it. There will be a document attached that has to pe printed in order to bring it to the nearest post office from Deutsche Post.”
Dear Gregor,
Thanks for helpful information. Would you please let me know is there possibility that my card delivered to my colleagues so they give me later? I am travelling and not in Germany right now.
Best Regards
Dear Mahmoud,
Yes, that used to work very well – unfortunately, the account at N26 has worsened bit by bit in the recent months – so much that we ourselves don’t use an account there anymore. Therefore we cannot answer any questions regarding this anymore.
Dear Gregor,
Thanks a lot for clear reply
What about Skrill account wigh MasterCard?
Do you have any recommendation about?