5 credit lines that you can combine wonderfully (for smart bank customers in Germany)
There are people, who will reject the following. Mainly because they are afraid of uncontrolled indebtedness.
They key lies within in the word “control”.
When someone knows, what he/she is doing, because he/she acquired financial knowledge, then the use of borrowed capital (loan) is something completely normal. Most of the physical accomplishments of our company were financed this way.
For example, I was just recently offered to contribute in a police station. The debt of one, is the balance of someone else.
In our achiever training, there are modules in which the participants learn about a) building creditworthiness and b) using borrowed capital for the purpose of investments.
1. Framework loan (credit line up to Euros 25,000 )

My welcoming letter back then of the ING bank
a) Requirements:
Permanent job or pension, income and place of residence in Germany, good to very good creditworthiness.
b) Description:
Easiest is to imagine the credit line as an overdraft facility without current account. You simple have an account at another bank with the balance “zero”. You can log into it at any time and make a transfer to the own current account.
Credit line = overdraft facility without current account
In the first expansion stage of the framework loan, you can get a credit line in the amount of Euros 25,000. There are no costs for it.
The bank only earns through us, if we make use of the credit line. The interest is charged super-fair only for the used days and only in the used amount.
If I borrow e.g. Euros 1,000 for 10 days, then I only pay Euros 1.62 interest. No more!
You should set up the credit line, especially when you do not need it. You can keep it as a reserve. If you then need money, you can use it immediately and do not have to apply for a loan first and wait for valuable days.
Once set up, the credit line is kept for life – even at a change of the professional state! For example employee ⟹ self-employed.
I have found the absolutely best conditions (hard facts: price listing, and soft factors: company politics and experience values) at the ING and have myself built a credit line in the amount of Euros 25,000 there.
► Article about my own successful application for the credit line.
c) Implement best at: ING

Perhaps you want to play a bit with the calculator of the ING in order to see how cheap a short-term financial bridging with the credit line is?
► www.ing.de/lp/rahmenkredit
2. Overdraft facility (credit line up to 3-times the incoming monthly salary payment)
a) Requirements:
Permanent job or pension, income and place of residence in Germany, medium to very good creditworthiness.
b) Description:
An overdraft facility is described in brief as the possbility of overdrawing the current account. Some have set it to perhaps Euros 500 out of precaution and others build the overdraft facility to three-times the incoming monthly salary payment.
Exactly as with the framework loan, you can go into the credit line anytime you want. The interest is only charged for the used amount and period.
For smart bank customers, there is the possibility of getting two overdraft credit lines and this is:
- one bank, where the salary actually is transferred to and
- at a bank, where the proof of the salary transfer (salary slip) is enough.
This is how I myself have made the combination of DKB and ING:

Positively, one has to mention at the DKB that you get the credit line virtually doubled, namely in the current account and Visa Card.
► Further solution ideas regarding the overdraft facility.
c) Implemented best at …
… the bank where you already have a current account. Just ask for an increase of the overdraft facility.
If necessary, additionally to the free current account at the ING: You can get an immediate overdraft facilityat the online application of up to only Euros 500; however, if you attach the last three salary slips to the signed account agreement and add the note that you want to apply for a credit line in the amount of XY, then this is manually checked and granted given the according creditworthiness!

Yes, this was my salary in the year 2008, when I opened the account. The salary was never transferred to this account. However, the overdraft facility in the amount of Euros 4,700 is maintained since more than 10 years!
Comprehensive article about this subject ► overdraft facility immediately at account opening – even without salary transfer … and here you can also get the account ► https://www.ing.de/girokonto
3. Credit card loan (credit line on the credit card)
a) Requirements:
Permanent job or pension, income and place of residence in Germany, medium to very good creditworthiness.
b) Description:
Using a credit card loan is most often an expensive matter, because the interest is above-average high. However, it can be worthwhile to build a high line there, because if you should need money urgently, it can be meaningful to accept the high interest.
At our special portal, we follow the two providers Barclaycard and the Advanzia Bank, where you can “train” the credit line through its use.
Credit lines are trainable!
In my case, I have trained the Barclaycard high to Euros 9,500 some years ago and although there was almost no use at all – the Barclaycard is my emergency-reserve-card – the credit line up to the full amount is at my disposal at any time.
Who knows that the own creditworthiness is a bit lower can immediately apply for the Gebührenfrei Mastercard Gold at the Advanzia Bank. This credit card has different advantages – but also disadvantages, especially the high interest, as well as the lacking possibility of letting the balance be automatically settled by direct debit.
We have people in our community, who have managed to get from an initial credit line of only Euros 50 to build it up to more than Euros 5,000 within a few months. People, who were not able to get one somewhere else, will have a chance there.
c) Implement best at:
![]() Barclaycard Visa |
![]() Gebührenfrei Mastercard Gold |
Annual fee | free of charge! | |
Opening of a connected current account? | no | |
Application | ► online | ► online |
Credit line | ||
initial credit line (immediately at card application) |
Euros 500 up to 5,000 (very individual) |
Euros 50 up to 5,000 |
maximum credit line | Euros 10,000 (training program) |
Euros 10,000 (after individual use) |
Apply for the credit card: | ![]() www.barclaycard.de |
![]() www.gebuhrenfrei.com |
4. Credit line on the basis of shareholdings (credit line up to 80 % of the securities worth)
a) Requirements:
Creditworthiness, income and place of residence are irrelevant. Your capital in form of securities is the creditworthiness.
b) Description:
Most credit cards are granted due to income, professional status and creditworthiness assessment – or not. This is completely different in a securities loan!
The credit line is given, because of the creditworthiness of securities. The bank is not at all interested in your own creditworthiness, your income or professional position.
Moreover, this type of loan is generally Schufa-free.
There is no Schufa-query nor Schufa-entry.
Interesting financial source for other (investment) projects?
Additionally, the interest rate is extremely favourable, because the risk for the bank is extremely low. If you fail as a person, then the securities are used for settling the loan. This means work for the bank, however, it is not a true loan risk.
A frequent misconception is that you can only use the money from a securities loan for the purchase of further securities. Even if this is often done, it is not necessary. At my bank, I can use the money for a lot of things. The use is free to choose – let alone for the reason, because I can pay the capital from the securities loan account to my current account at any time I want.
Current look into my secondary account:

Securities can be lend depending on the category in the levels 0, 30, 50, 70 and even to 80 per cent. Details about it can be found in our ► big securities loan article.
Interest only incurs for the used amount and the used period, just like with the credit line or overdraft facility.
c) Implement best at:

Your next possible step ► depot opening at the Comdirect Bank
For some readers, a depot switch could be an option, because you can get a freely-usable cheap and Schufa-free credit line in a very comfortable way. For the transfer, especially ETFs, funds and German shares are suitable, because the lending is particularly high in these cases!
More about the depot switch soon in our Sunday mail.
Here you can find my comprehensive article about the Comdirect-depot: Comdirect depot ⇨ 9 reasons for and one against it.
5. Credit line due to real estate property (credit line up to 100 % of the market value)
a) Requirements:
A land, appartment or house. Creditworthiness, income are irrelevant. The real estate must be located in Germany. Your property asset is the creditworthiness.
b) Description:
Getting this credit line is a little more work, because it cannot be implemented with any of our observed direct banks, and moreover, you have to get a notary appointment, because only he/she can do this entry into the land register at the local court.
The recompensation, however, is that a freely-usable credit line at favourable conditions will be at your disposal. For example, I was able to get an overdraft facility on the current account of Euros 50,000 at such a bank!
If you own an unencumbered real estate asset, then a flexible credit line in the amount of millions is possible using this strategy.

This is how an entered credit line in the land register looks like.
Particularity: If you already have a real estate financing and e.g. already have repaid Euros 30,000, you can get this amount at another flexible-thinking bank as a credit line. Banks agree on a declaration of assignment among each other.
That means that you save the anew way to the notary and of course, also its costs. However, costs will often incur anyway, because both banks have some effort with the whole paper work. This is not the default case, but possible!
c) Implemented best at …
… a well-chosen local bank.
I gladly help participants from our achiever training, who live or work in the surrounding area of 125 kilometers from Memmingen, to access a “special bank” for this matter.

It depends on you, whether you use third-party capital in order to build your asset. Becoming rich through “saving” is a long road. The biggest assets have been created through “investments”.
Is it high in risk? This depends on how strong your control of the investment or investments is. You can get control through special financial education. You have to know what you are doing. The next stage could be further education in financial subjects, or not?
I myself have all the described credit lines. Our frequent readers know that I love to blog about bank products, which I have or had myself. This is called authenticity.
Moreover, I love to produce articles in such a way that inspired people have it easy to act, in order to build themselves the same financial system that supports them in their lives.
Please convey this thought to others, for example by recommendation or a link!
A heartly thanks 🙃🙏
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Further ideas and instructions for smart bank customers:
- Differences between installment loan and credit line
- Loan rejected? Tips for attempt No. 2
- Apply for a credit line through another person?
PS: With all that I have described here, I have build myself credit lines in the amount of six digits!
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