Never pay unnecessary bank fees again, worldwide! was established as a special portal for people with international connections and ambitions. Tanja Janecke, the long-time managing director of Optimal Banking Akademie GmbH is the responsible person for this site.
She and her team take care of the contents and provide answers to the questions that are asked through the comments box at the bottom of each page
Tanja is convinced that cooperation between the different regions and cultures throughout the whole world is absolutely necessary to master the big challenges that the world has to handle. She is vice-president of the Optimal Banking Förderungsgesellschaft e.V., with is an association that promotes especially the education of personal finances.
Leaving the world in a better state as one has found it, is one of her guiding principles.
This is a responsibility towards children and all further generations.
Asset accumulation and transactions
With, we contribute to the financial communication of private persons over national, legal, tax and cultural boundaries. People should have access to information about
- accumulating a personal asset,
- managing and increasing the asset cleverly,
- participating free of charge or very cheaply in (international) transactions.
Germany is – almost regardless of the current financial situation – an ideal place for private bank customers to hold parts of their assets or to conclude transactions, as many bank services in Germany are, of course, free of charge. Otherwise they would include fees in other countries or would not even be possible.
Germany is a paradise for bank customers!
It is the task of to promote this with great information and active support, as the (financial) well-bring of every single person forms the well-being of the general public.
Dear Sir / Madam ,
I am a forefinger and living out of Germany , I am planning to buy a property in Berlin , I have 2 years valid tourist visa , i need to open a saving bank account to do all transactions for buying a property and for daily other transactions related to bills payments , can i will be able to open a bank account ? if yes then i need to know what are the process of opening a bank account ?
Any more information you can provide would be greatly appreciated
Thank you in advance
You need a current account – not a saving account – for this all transactions. Here is a comparison for you frist overview:
Hi Tanja,
Our client on the accounting side is a foreign company in an offshore jurisdiction, a “Corp”. It just bought a flat in berlin. We need a simple corporate account for monthly hausgeld, electricity, internet, taxes etc to be deducted. Which bank would you suggest? Thanks.
German banks are very cautious when opening accounts for companies from offshore jurisdictions. The themes of tax honesty and social justice are currently heavily discussed in the media.
If you build up a good relationship with a German bank, in which one knows and trusts each other, you will obtain a corporate account.
However, I do not know any German bank that opens such an account via Internet or mail.
As we have a common payment area in the Euro-countries of the European Union with the SEPA procedure, also an account opening in another Euro-country would be conceivable.
The two Latvian banks “AS PrivatBank” and “Rietumu Bank” have higher fees and another service quality than German banks, however, an account opening for an offshore company is easier there.
The payment by IBAN from Berlin to Riga is just as fast as from Berlin to Frankfurt.
Unfortunately, I cannot recommend you a better solution. I personally hope that the account opening for foreign companies in Germany will become easier. We will continue to monitor the market and report as soon as there are important news.
PS: Banks in Liechtenstein, which is the small principality in the south of Germany, also open Euro accounts for foreign companies. Small countries generally perform better, because they are used to open accounts for foreigners. You know how difficult it is to open a bank account in the United States without travelling there …
Hello, my name is Ana and I live in Germany. I am british and married now to a German. I own, without any debt, two apartments in Mitte Berlin, but I am a free lancer with little income. For this reason the banks find me impossible to lend to. What shall I do? Do you know another institution that would help?
Very best,
Sorry, I don’t understand what you want … but that is our information site about loans in Germany: or for immigrants:
Dear Tanja,
My name is Tamar Lebanidze. I come from Tbilisi, Georgia. My son is admitted by the Jacobs University, Bremen, Germany. He is starting his studies on August 26, 2016. In order to receive a student visa, he needs to open a blocked account in Deutsche Bank. According to the bank information, 4 – 6 weeks are needed to open the blocked account. Could you please, inform, if it is possible to open the blocked account online?
Thank you very much in advance.
Please discuss this with Deutsche Bank. We are not the Deutsche Bank.